Saturday, December 25, 2010

Winter in Muskoka

 There is something very peaceful about Muskoka in the winter time.  The ground is covered with a blanket of endlessly fresh white snow and the air is clear and bright (at least when it's sunny).  The temperature may have a little bite but it's bearable, somewhat refreshing and it beckons you to go outside and breathe deeply.  Yesterday we went snowshoeing towards the end of the day and it was a most enjoyable experience.  I'm looking forward to scrapbooking some of the pictures that we took.  Here are just a few shots of some winter fun.

She's got style, she's got grace...

The kids are out snowshoeing right now and later - maybe some cross country skiing.  No rest for the wicked or the weary here!  Hope you are all enjoying your long weekend, I know I am!

The winter in Muskoka kind of day....


  1. Love your site. Happy New Year from Las Vegas....come visit!!!!Debby

  2. It's so much fun helping the Kachuck kids remember how to enjoy the Muskoka winter outdoors!! It's a wonderful holiday tradition.
    Aunty Sheryl
